Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day Thirteen: Lights

One of the visions/prophecies that our team had about a month ago when we were praying about our outreach was that we would see a lot of lights and/or lanterns in Nepal but that the light wasn't necessarily coming from us. We have definitely seen that fulfilled in the last few days. As we were boarding our bus for Pokhara Kaison was joking around with one of the street vendors and asking him if any of his stuff was free. Much to our surprise he said that yes, he would give us anything we wanted for free. When Gabriel encouraged him for his generosity he said it was no big deal because he's a Christian. Then only minutes later we were talking to a newspaper salesman and although we couldn't understand much of what he said we definitely heard him say something along the lines of: "You are Christian? I am Christain too. My country is Hindu but I know Jesus God and I am free." So we were pretty stoked about that. Then this morning as we were praying on the rooftop of one of our hostels in Pokhara we noticed that the hostel manager was taking a keen interest in what we were doing. To make a long story short, he is one of only a handful of Christians in Pokhara and tonight they have invited us to their nightly prayer meeting and a traditional Nepalese meal. We are so thankful that the first five or six places we checked were all full and that God brought us right to the place that we needed to be.
In other news, Pokhara is awesome. We are so glad to be here after the depressing atmosphere of Kathmandu. Tonight is New Year's Eve and is the last day of a ten day street festival that has been going on here. So there are tourists and backpackers all over the place. We're praying for lots of good opportunities to talk about what life is all about here at the end of one year and the beginning of the next. I don't have time for details right now but ask me to tell you about our afternoon with Rufus sometime. We're hoping to hang out with him some more in the next couple days so it may get better yet.

A few prayer requests:

-Thank God for how richly He has blessed us thus far. Pray that we would be an encouragement and a blessing to the little Nepalese house church here.

-Thank God that Gabe is feeling much better. Pray for Anthony who has been sleeping most of the day in between trips to the toilet. Tomorrow is his 19th birthday so we're hoping that he'll be better and we can do something special for him.

-Pray that we would declare the gospel boldly and unashamedly.


  1. Hi, I'm Lydia's Mum and just wanted you all to know that Dave, (Lydia's Dad), and I are praying for you every day and are just so impressed at what an amazing team you are. I had this verse for you when I was praying: "I am the light of the world. So if you follow me, you won't be stumbling through darkness, for living light will flood your path". Jn 8:12

  2. Hey, thank you so much for that encouragement, Lydia's mum (and Lydia's dad). We have definitely felt the prayer support backing us the whole way. It makes all the difference.
    That verse fits perfectly with what God was speaking to us through intercession this morning. Keep those ears tuned for us.
